Reach a man before he's lead astray by the wrong influence.
Teach a man that there's always another option in life.
Save a man from some of life's hardships.

A Builder is a professional male or female that understand the motto of Caretakers Network.
Reach, Teach and Save is the message we convey to men young and old before they are led astray by the wrong influence...before they can clearly understand what the freedoms of life are all about.
A young man isn't free when he's still living under the control of another. We want men young and old to know what it's like to execute their life's plan with accuracy instead of allowing it to just happen.
Caretaker are men that have been mentored to by professionals over a period of time and have chosen to live a life of integrity and is ready to accept the role of being a responsible adult.
Because of the tools that you've been equipped with you have the ability to enter into society with a plan of action.
Whether, it may be continuing your education, starting a family or continuing to find your purpose in life. You will have a better understand of where you are and what you're capable of.

As an Apprentice you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the best professionals (Builders) in their field of study.
They are motivated and skilled to help you achieve the goal of you becoming your best self.
I encourage you to come in with an open mind and a willing heart to receive instructions from professionals because they want you to succeed as much as you want to succeed.